Derm.Render.ColorBGR16 Struct Reference

BGR color (16 bits). More...

List of all members.


byte Alpha [get, set]
 Alpha component property.
byte Blue [get, set]
 Blue component property.
byte ComponentsCount [get]
 Number of the components of this IVertex.
byte Green [get, set]
 Green component property.
Pixel.Type PixelType [get]
 Pixel.Type of this IColor.
byte Red [get, set]
 Red component property.
float this [int c] [get, set]
 Color component access.

Detailed Description

BGR color (16 bits).

Property Documentation

byte Derm.Render.ColorBGR16.Alpha [get, set]

Alpha component property.

byte Derm.Render.ColorBGR16.Blue [get, set]

Blue component property.

byte Derm.Render.ColorBGR16.ComponentsCount [get]

Number of the components of this IVertex.

It returns 3. A System.Int32
byte Derm.Render.ColorBGR16.Green [get, set]

Green component property.

Pixel.Type Derm.Render.ColorBGR16.PixelType [get]

Pixel.Type of this IColor.

byte Derm.Render.ColorBGR16.Red [get, set]

Red component property.

float Derm.Render.ColorBGR16.this[int c] [get, set]

Color component access.

c A System.Int32 indicating the color component index (0 based). In the case this parameter is greater or equals to ComponentsCount, the operation won't be meaninfull.
The color component is converted to/from a normalized floating point number, where 0.0f indicates lowest intensity, while 1.0f indicated highest intensity.

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